In light of Hurricane Sandy, DESIGN ROUNDUP is taking a short 1-week hiatus. In the meantime, we’d like to provide ways for you to volunteer and help alleviate some of the suffering of our fellow New Yorkers who are still without power, food, and other necessities. Those who wish to give cash donations to assist New Yorkers who suffered damage from Hurricane Sandy should visit the Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City.
Volunteers and American Red Cross providing food and water at the distribution center at New Dorp Lane on Staten Island. Photo by NYC Service.
1/ Donate Money, Food or Services
The Mayor’s Fund is accepting financial donations from organizations and individuals to support hurricane relief efforts. One hundred percent of donations are being dispersed to relief efforts and organizations. The City is currently identifying immediate aid needs, including food, water and hygiene supplies, as well as long-term relief and restoration efforts.
2/ Corporate Donations of Money, Food or Services
If you are a company or an organization with access to large volumes of items and would like to donate them to disaster relief effort, please visit Aidmatrix.
3/ Volunteer with New York Cares
Hurricane Sandy response projects are being posted on a rolling basis. Sign up to volunteer now.
4/ Red Hook Initiative
The Red Hook Initiative is currently acting as the center for hurricane recovery efforts in Red Hook, Brooklyn. They are providing meals and supplies to those affected by Hurricane Sandy.
5/ New York Blood Center
In the aftermath of Sandy, NYC is in critical need of blood. New Yorkers are encourage to donate by visiting a Blood Drive near you.
6/ Go Door-to-door Through the Hardest Hit Neighborhoods
United Way has a special need for volunteers who are able to help in Coney Island Mon & Tues (11/5-11/6) from 12-5 PM.
7/ Volunteer for a NYC Park
Volunteer to help clean and restore parks hit most affected by the storm.
Volunteer at a Bronx park
Volunteer at a Manhattan park
Volunteer at a Queens park
Volunteer at a Staten Island park
8/ Red Cross Shelter Volunteers
The American Red Cross of Greater New York needs volunteers to staff shelters. Sign up here.
9/ New York City Coalition Against Hunger Relief
Volunteer with NYCCAH to support community soup kitchens and food pantry serving New Yorkers affected by Hurricane Sandy.
10/ Distribute Food and Clothing in Far Rockaway
Volunteers are needed as soon as possible to help sort out clothing and pass out food in Broad Channel. The town has set up a shelter in the American Legion Hall at 209 Cross Bay Boulevard, Far Rockaway, NY. Once you arrive, please ask for Marty Seeny.
11/ Help Distribute Food, Blankets and Water
Volunteer at distribution sites throughout Queens, Brooklyn, Manhattan and Staten Island.