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Irina Lee

Monday 31 March 2014

DESIGN ROUNDUP is your weekly guide to the NYC design community.

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April 6–April 12, 2014

1/ Breakfast Club: Making Sense of Social Media
As the terrain of social media continues to grow, your clients need more than just a logo and a website. Learn the best uses for different social media platforms, how to establish a consistent tone, and how to maintain content. Get tips on developing the social media strategy for a project and presenting it to a client.
When: Tuesday, April 8, 2014, 8am–9:30pm
Where: General Assembly East, 902 Broadway, 4th floor, NYC
Price: $5 AIGA members

2/ Calligraphic Paintings by Eleanor Winters
A la Mémoire des Enfants Déportés: In Memory of the Children of Paris, Deported to Auschwitz, 1942–1944 is a collection of calligraphic paintings by Eleanor Winters. She began work on this series using the texts from the A la Mémoire plaques as the inspiration for and the content of the paintings. Her purpose is to express the gravity and emotional impact of the texts through calligraphy, color and texture.
When: Opening Reception Wednesday, April 9, 2014, 6pm–8pm; Exhibition ongoing through June 20
Where: The Anne Frank Center USA, 44 Park Place, NYC
Price: Center admission

3/ Creative Mornings: Cindy Gallop
Part of a series on Sex, this talk features Cindy Gallop, Founder & CEO, IfWeRanTheWorld/MakeLoveNotPorn.
When: Friday, April 11, 2014, 8:30am–10pm
Where: Galapagos Art Space, 16 Main Street, Brooklyn
Price: Free and open to the public

4/ Activist New York
Have you ever thought that something wasn’t fair and that you wanted to change it? Visit the exhibition Activist New York to learn how New Yorkers have fought for change over the past 350 years. After exploring the gallery, create your own button that expresses a view or idea about a cause that is important to you.
When: Saturday, April 12, 2014, 11am–2pm
Where: Museum of the City of New York, 1220 5th Avenue, NYC
Price: Museum admission

5/ Remixing the Figure’s Form
Afternoon-long, hands-on workshop gives participants the chance to learn innovative and exciting ways to rework, reconsider and remix ceramics into unique, individual creations.
When: Saturday, April 12, 2014, 1pm
Where: Museum of Arts an Design, 2 Columbus Circle, NYC
Price: $55 MAD members, $65 general public

6/ International Space Apps Challenge
Join the New York Technology Council, StartupBus NYC, and NASA for a two-day hackathon that will produce technologies to improve space exploration missions and quality of life on Earth.
When: Saturday, Sunday, April 12, 13 2014, 8:30am
Where: AlleyNYC, 500 7th Avenue, NYC
Price: Free and open to the public

7/ Sign Painting Techniques Applied to Type Design
The workshop will cover principles of letterform design which are easily learned, but aren’t often covered in drawing classes. John Downer teaches students ways to draw traditional caps and execute them efficiently in tempera paint by using a sign
painter’s flat brush.
When: Saturday, Sunday, April 12, 13 2014, 10am–5pm
Where: The Cooper Union, NYC
Price: $375 general public

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